We are seeking dedicated, hard-working men and women to join our team. We are currently seeking ride operators and foremen, ticket sellers, office staff and help in all mechanical and electrical departments. Please fill out the employment form and join us for the upcoming season and beyond!

* NOTE: all fields are required *
Personal Information:
First Name:
Middle Name:
Last Name:
Home Phone / Cell Phone:
Emergency Contact / Phone:
e-Mail Address:
Are you 18 years old or older?
Do you have a valid Drivers License?
Are there any hours or days of the
week you cannot work?
Are you able to be legally
employed in the United States
Have you ever been convicted of
any crime(s) other than a
minor traffic violation?

Applicant Goals
Desired Position:
Desired Salary:
Available Start Date:
Seeking full time or part time work?
How did you hear about us?
Career Aspirations:
Three things that are on
your life's 'to-do list':

Work History / Qualifications:
Please list your last three employers (most recent first):
Company Name:     Phone:
Reason for Leaving:
Date Supervisor Name Salary Position / Duties
Are you currently employed here?    | 
Can we contact this employer?    | 
Company Name:     Phone:
Reason for Leaving:
Date Supervisor Name Salary Position / Duties
Company Name:     Phone:
Reason for Leaving:
Date Supervisor Name Salary Position / Duties
May we contact the employers listed?
Please list three personal references
(not past employers) and phone numbers:

Secondary Education:
High School:     Location:
Studies/Major:     Years Attended:    
College/Trade School:     Location:
Studies/Major:     Years Attended:    
Please list any additional qualifications
you have that might be beneficial
to this position, such as training,
certification, or experience:

Please read the following statements carefully before signing below to indicate your understanding and agreement:

  • I certify that the facts contained in this application are true and complete to the best of my knowledge and understand that if employed, falsified statements on this application may result in termination.
  • I understand and agree that if hired, my employment with WonderShowz, LLC. is for no definite period and may, regardless of the date of payment of my wages, be terminated with or without cause, at any time, with or without notice.
  • I authorize the investigation of all statements contained in this application for any employment related purpose. I release the listed references and all employers, except those specifically excempted above, to provide WonderShowz, LLC. with any and all applicable information they may have. I hereby release these references and former employers from all liability for my information they might give you.
  • I understand that WonderShowz, LLC. is an equal opportunity employer and will not discriminate against any applicant on the basis of any characteristic that is protected by state or federal law. Michigan law requires that a person with a disability or handicap requiring accommodation to perform the essential duties of the job must notify the employer, WonderShowz, LLC., in writing within 182 days of the date that the need is known or should have been known.
  • I understand that this application will remain active for three months from the date of filing, and after that time I will need to re-apply for further consideration.

Signature:   Date:   2/10/2025  
The electronic signature entered here must match the full applicant name above and is case sensitive.